My projects
Here are some of my projects, you can find more on my github.
E-commerce selling fashion-related products.
React, Bootstrap, React-Hook-Form
Bitcent - Controle Financeiro
Bitcent is a web application for controlling personal finances with a landing page and das...
NextJs, TailwindCSS, Firebase, Mantine
Chat web application that uses firebase as an authenticator and database.
ViteJS, React, TailwindCSS, Firebase
Application where you can manage a list of tasks!
React, TailwindCSS, Nodejs, Prisma
Developed a TikTok clone with React and Firebase with EBAC.
React, Firebase
ChatGPT Clone
Developing an application together with DIO where we created a ChatGPT clone.
React, Node
IgniteLab EventPlatform
Event platform page where classes are sought right from GraphQL.
React, GraphQL, GraphCMS, TailwindCSS
Landing page offering musical instrument courses.
React, TailwindCSS
Habits is a mobile and web app for creating daily habits.
React, React-Native, Fastify